Our Body is the Temple of God- Prayers and Scriptures



t is my prayer may the Lord touch each and every soul that is visiting this website and reading the information placed here for the Glory and Honor of our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that the illustration of your personal testimony will indeed touch the Heart of others and that you will share your experience. That your testimony explains the arrangements of every program by confirmation from deep inside. It’s only through the Power of the Holy Spirit within, you can obtain the benefit of growth. Seeing Gods work within your inner-being, spirit, soul and mind. For Inner strength through the power of His Spirit to provide all. Relying only on his Strength and Will.

In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

We have a Great and Powerful uncommon dream with extra unordinary Vision. The most powerful gift that we are suppose to use to CHANGE THE WORLD’S HISTORY by reconciling man back to God, in God’s Kingdom that is the ministry that God has given us.

Spiritual Guidance:

My mission is to inform, guide, and educate women and men regarding fitness and nutrition. By building a strong mindset physically, mentally and spiritually by seeking GOD. This way women and men can realize that they are Fearfully and Wonderfully made. That our True Identity of Beauty is within, not just the outward beauty. That we are all anchored in Christ spiritually through our True Identity in him. Beauty is loving who God created us to be.

Even Jesus as our role model the Bible says he increased in wisdom stature (that’s in the physical body) and in favor with God and man. Apostle Paul also admonishes that we should present our body, soul and our spirit perfect unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. In 1Thessalonians 5:23. The gospel that touches our spirit, soul and our physical body. For it is the Lord’s command that we keep our body fit and of good health always for our bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

I really love the way it is written in the 3rd book of John.

3 John 1:2 says: “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy GOOD HEALTH and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.”

God is very concerned with the physical fitness and good health of our bodies, our souls and of our spirits. Because he created us with these three dimensions for a great purpose and reason.

In fact in 1st Corinthians 5:7 of the Bible

“This, then, is how you ought to regard us: as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the mysteries God has revealed. Now it is required that those who have been given trust must prove faithful.”

In King James version it says:

“Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and STEWARDS of the MYSTERIES OF GOD. Moreover it is required in STEWARDS that one BE FOUND FAITHFUL.”

A Steward of God is someone who has been entrusted or has been given the mandate to manage another person’s property with accountability of being faithful. The Bible tells us that we are stewards of the MYSTERIES OF GOD and we must be FAITHFUL how we handle and manage these mysteries of God. One of the mysteries that God has given us to manage and take care of is our BODY. Any failure in taking Care of our body as we take Care of our Spirits and Souls or the misuse of our body is sin before God.

The gospel that touches the care of our body, our souls and our spirits is the true Holistic gospel of the kingdom of God.

For it is in Christ Jesus that we have our True Identity. Christ came to restore our souls Spirit and to deliver our body from all infirmities. That is why Christ has given us the Ministry of deliverance over our bodies from the powers of darkness. The care that we give to our body is very important in the kingdom of God, for God did not give us our body in vain but he had a purpose and the reason why he gave us the body. Did you know that if you misuse your body and your body ceases to function as it was created by God, then immediately you also cease to function on the Earth. That is what we call the physical death, immediately you separate yourself from your body you die.

Our body is a very vital important entity that we should take care of on the Earth, as we also take care of our souls and our spirits. So that when Christ comes we will have no blame on our spirits being born again, on our souls that is the heart the will and the mind and on our body the good health and the physical fitness.

In physical fitness and good health our body is connected to our faith in the scriptures.

If we are going to present ourselves before God as True and Faithful Stewards then we must take care of these three entities the body the soul and the spirit.

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