Fitness Advice

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Striving to be healthy should be something that lasts a lifetime. When setting out to embrace “a new year, a new me ” planning for your healthy new resolutions can start now.

Learn how to use food as fuel, food selection, and creating health habits. Before making changes it’s important to know your starting point, this happens in your kitchen.

99% of your change is depending on you to act on and ask the Lord for help.

I encourage you to incorporate these tips today for long-term success, allowing always God to be the mediator to place this in order to help you build healthy nutrition habits.

Avoid terms such as unhealthy diet.

The nutrition world is constantly changing and there is no shortage of quick fixes out there. People sharing their “secrets to success” that are completely a lie because they don’t share what happens during the plan. But later when they are suffering from trying to figure out how to place back what they removed from the 3 nutrients our bodies need. I Encourage you to be mindful of their sources of dieting, Don’t seek out short cut ways by self-harming your body with unhealthy habits. but focus on changing what is to achieve healthy habits in overall lifestyle rather than quick non-permanent changes. You want lasting positive changes for an improvement by having achievable goals.

Nutritious Healthy Food

A healthy lifestyle is all about finding a healthy balance.

Healthy Baking – Eating healthy doesn’t have to be an all or nothing. Depriving yourself of your favorite foods is not a long-term solution.

It’s important to find a healthy balance; Everything in moderation Avoid going to extremes. Very few people have the willpower to live in extreme mode all the time. Try out healthier alternatives to curb your sweet tooth. Bake with healthy fats like coconut oil or avocado oil. Do avoid high fructose corn syrup and sugar as they are hurtful for the body.

Meal Planning – Very helpful creating meals to help you reach your healthy nutrition goals.

By having a plan in place ahead of time, you can make healthy responsible decisions whether they are short term or long term. Set on time and on budget. Determine macronutrients buying. Being prepared will help you stay on track toward the goal.

Staying Motivated – You will face days when the motivation just isn’t there, but that’s when you get on your knees and ask the Lord for direction, strength, and focus.

Other motivational forms that can help is to ask your partner to work towards your goals together. This can help with accountability. You can motivate each other and help pick each other up. Go to the gym together and afterwards cook and share new healthy recipes together.

Having something to repeat to yourself on the hard days can help, like memorizing the Lords word, ask the Lord for a verse to carry when those Gloomy days come in. I Encourage you to write it on the mirror, Write it on your hand , Read it during eating and Repeat before starting a workout. Create a phrase that is encouraging and motivates you towards reaching the goals you have set.

Build on a Solid Foundation

Building a solid foundation starts by setting healthy, attainable, and realistic goals. People often overextend themselves when setting goals.

One way to make your goals achievable is to set them by asking God for wisdom, guidance and to provide strength, to achieve what is in His Will for you.

Avoid having mental exhaustion by trying to achieve things on your own will and on a faster pace then you can keep up with.

Smaller goals that transform into habits can lead to long-term success, smaller more attainable ones.

Your goals should be specific and clear. If they are not it will be hard for you to focus and stay motivated.

Understand what you want to accomplish and why it’s important for you. Are you doing this for health reasons or just self-will.

It’s important for goals to be measurable. This allows you to track your progress and stay motivated.

Setting relevant goals that matter to you and seem worthwhile for your effort.

Writing down goals can be helpful, Write down both, short-term and long-term goals.

Example of a (short-term goal is I will finish what I started Without pressure). (long-term I break this goal up into 3 parts and place full trust that God will help)

Set Performance-Related Goals

Many are often striving for a certain look or size. However, focusing only on the physical results can lead to discouragement and frustration when the results don’t come as quickly as you would like. Don’t Focus on the physical , but instead on the Performance that God will help you achieve.

The nutrition industry has always been fast-moving and there is always new information. Many diet plans have gained attention for promoting healthy lifestyles and supporting weight loss goals, but they don’t work for everyone. They are used for self-gain in the physical appearance.

Diets that harm the body by lacking food that our bodies require in our expected daily calories. These new trend of diets have the new millennium using them and leaving long term health issues. (Do not use this term “diet”) for this is why God made food. Diets don’t exist when it comes to being healthy.

  • The keto diet is a diet high in saturated fat, light in protein, and low in carbs. Our body requires 17% to 20% Healthy fats only, if you place more than this percentage “can you imagine where the rest will go”? This can place a risk of High cholesterol, Heart disease , etc.
  • Intermittent Fasting is the worst way to approach the body, this can develop Hormone problems which will lead to different health issues, like developing thyroids as the hormones are in-regulated. Fasting every other week, you place the metabolism to be on status of Plato, which leads to weight gain with continued unregular weight leaving you feeling unhealthy and low in energy.

Macronutrients – meeting energy for the body.

Macronutrients meeting energy and “growth requirements” They include carbohydrates, protein, lipid and water. They are important for providing the body with a supply of energy as building blocks which the body needs for growth and repair. Macronutrients in the body depends upon the proportion on the body requirements, training, meals and resting periods. Replace unhealthy habits with nutritious whole food options, which will help you stay more energetic for a better healthy long term health.

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