(Empowering Movement)
We are called to walk in our full True Identity to impact this Empowering Movement to make a difference. Let’s step on every platform and speak out, we are the light beaming through. We are Strong, Victorious, Courageous, Mighty Warriors to be Empowered without Fear. We know we are women and men sealed by God. I am called to Empower this Movement in Love, God have given us power in our words to use, to uplift in words of beauty. A fresh vision is to set your gaze on things above. So here is the truth about beauty. You are worth, valued because God created women and men in his own image. Don’t let the enemy define you or feed you lies. Let’s stop living up to the standards of this world, and start walking with clarity of greatness, to focus on what God says about women and men. Empower yourself to a beautiful agreement of the goodness and favor, to the purpose you were called, aligning to an Empowering Movement for God’s Kingdom.
Helping others is my passion. Seeing the changes in someone through their Fitness Journey is a rewarding feeling. Helping them become the women and men they are destined to be, having more confidence and optimism for a healthier and stronger mindset. Utilizing different exercises at appropriate levels to help achieve every goal. It is my heart’s goal to empower women and men not to what Society claims as beauty. Its mind over matter what the world says. I want to link and empower a movement with women and men to know your identity and unleash your True Beauty. It is time to ignite through the strength of unity as brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. We are created to overcome and to make an empowering movement for his glory. Because he already won! We win!
Let’s work together to make an impact in this Empowering Movement for Fitness and Health. The value I know you will receive working with me, partner online or one to one with me in Houston Texas. Not only will I help your physical body to improve, but to also build the foundation that is set for women and men. We are children of God, destined to live a profound and fulfilling life. Running towards everything God has laid out for Kings and Queens to be Bold Warriors that we are created to be. To Empower this Movement for doors to open a blazing fire within to the path that is before women and men through Jesus Christ. We are strong and have been set apart for a purpose breaking in like thunder of God’s love, supplying an unstoppable Faith.
This is not a program of losing weight, or to feel you are not worthy because the way you look. This is a program that we Identify what God says about us. You are created in his image and his likeness, there is not an inch of you that is not beautiful and wonderfully made. It is a program that will help you learn to make better choices of healthy foods. Be ready to (Battle in prayers) when we ask our Lord for his direction in our lives, heart, and health. To help us reach the goals that he will set for us. Not our own will but the will of God. Approaching our health by the guidance of our Heavenly Father and praying. His word says our body is a temple of Christ Jesus we must take care of it. To remain healthy and knowing that no toxin of alcohol, drugs, or any filthy thing should enter our bodies. We must remember that we have a liar and a enemy who tells us that we are incapable of perfection. Our uniqueness, specialness and gifts are determined by the will, plans, and purposes of God for our lives. We are made to be exactly the way we are, complete in every way, and we are his beautiful, marvelous masterpiece.
(True Identity of beauty within not outward beauty)
We are all anchored in Christ spiritually True Identity. Beauty is loving who God created you to be, there is no need to define your beauty by the way you look, what you wear, what car you drive, or even your house. In other words, rather it should be that of Yourself, the unfailing beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit which is great worth in god sight. Beauty means recognizing the master peace god made out of you, being God’s work to reflect from within. Beauty is found in the split moment when you know God created you in his own beautiful image. Your beauty is the summation of every small gesture every flaw, every peculiarity, and all traits that profound the perfect work of God. This is what God sees since he created all men and women in his own and perfect image. The true beauty of God is unique, special and timeless, it will never fade away.
We are sons and daughters of the most high who’s worth is by the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ, Gods truth has prevailed. Our true identity is defined by the image of God. Begin to reflect your true self. By stepping up in every platform to proclaim we are Warriors. Breaking through to empower a movement of an unbreakable true beauty. Approaching Gods ways spiritually, mentally, physically, in body and mind telling yourself I am an adopted child of God. Hidden with Christ under our God in your full True Identity, with his unconditional love, chosen with a beauty that is never marred. In the fullness of union with Christ by the light that cannot be hidden in the darkness.But fundamentally knowing we belong to a King of the citizens in heaven. Children of God who are loved, forgiven and adopted into God’s family. Free, set apart as ambassadors for Christ, washed and justified through our Lord Jesus Christ. We are Redeemed, accepted to be co-heirs with Christ, reconciled to God through our Lord Jesus death and saved through Christ life. Cultivating his plans and ultimate will for our good. ( Jeremiah 1:5) (john 15:16) (1 Peter 2:9)
Fill your heart with the foundation to be solid based on God’s true design purposely for you. To build a healthy relationship accepting with inner true humility of yourself moment by moment and absorb the beauty God pursues in you with Christ alike, as an unfailing beauty resigned with determination, in response with self-love and kindness in the image and work of God. With an uncovered approval remembering to thank God for your admirable beauty and extraordinary work of art that you are. His own special image as irreplaceable and secured for all eternity. Permanently identified as his masterpiece, celebrating your true worth in God that is found in him. Passionately with a relationship of freedom that comes from our Lord Jesus Christ. Comprehending the great love that God has for you to experience only his grander and confidence in yourself unlocking self-acceptance. Breaking this chain, is to accept that God is your creator and through him every chain is broken, every pattern of lies claiming that you are not God’s child. Proclaim yourself and your True Identity through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are all gifted from the time we were in our mother’s womb, the Lord our God has appointed us to enjoy from day one we are his masterpiece and each of us have multiple gifts.
Truth is, that if you ask our Lord God to lead you to find your True Identity, allowing him to show you. One amazing and beautiful requirement our god ask. As is written from Moses’ time, taught to all of the prophets, Our Lord Jesus came and reaffirmed to us that he fulfills these commandments. Jesus replied: “Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment. and the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” All the Law and the Prophets hang on to these two commandments. (Matthew 22:37-40) With self-awareness and alignment with your True Identity walking with the understanding you are set apart, claiming and holding your head high. You are chosen for everlasting identity that is found and secured in our Lord Jesus Christ. Claim your true identity (Psalms 139:13-18)” For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful; I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand—when I awake, I am still with you.
Claim your true identity, (Psalms 139:13-18)”For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful; I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand—when I awake, I am still with you.
Heart, Soul and Mind
Thank You, Father, for pointing out the fact that the devil knows if we follow your supreme command to love you with all of our hearts, with all of our souls, and with all of our minds, then he will have no influence on our lives since we have the help of your Son, Jesus Christ. Don’t allow us to install idols within our heart, soul, and mind. Instead, remove them completely so that only you are able to command our actions. To prevent Satan from gaining access through disobedient, I would like you to help us to forgive others as you have forgiven us, and to help to walk in your will, plan, purpose, and perfect timing.Our Father in heaven, please help us to keep our minds, hearts, and souls focused on things above and not on things below. For by your grace, we are being hidden through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. May we long for heaven so that we are not affected by this world. Thank you, Almighty God, for covering us with your helmet of salvation and constantly reminding us that we are beloved children. I am planted in your word, so saturate our heart, soul, and mind with it. In Jesus Name Amen.
The Key
My story can relate, I use to ask myself why am I so skinny? Many years with the loss of my true identity of my creator. I no longer live in Satan’s lies, I found my key to my creator that his creation, (In Genesis) that every food, was created for us to eat, and to enjoy what he made for us. Our bodies are not meant to be on a diet all year round. Our bodies need food for survival, we cannot limit from eating the food of our Fathers creation. What we can learn, is with modification of choice in all his goodness of food, and taking care of our health in a way that’s what the body can take. Not walking in a mind set I will do this to be skinny, muscular, beautiful, or to find self worth (NO). We are all beautiful, marvelous in uniqueness as his masterpiece. We will approach by his will, plan, purpose, perfect timing, and wait for his full appointment of guidance in Jesus Name.
We Begin
We are one body in Christ, all brothers and sisters. I am blessed to be called to help women and men to recognize it’s (NOT) about losing weight, having a muscular body or to have an obsession with our body image. It’s about claiming your True Identity that God of all creation has made you in his perfect and unique image. You will learn that Satan speaks lies about the image our God has given us. It is Satan’s mission to steal, kill, and destroy the one unique image of ourselves, to destroy all that we are. That’s why we need to learn what our Heavenly Father says about us, before we approach in looking for help in better health and target in on, what you are looking for.It’s not a diet, an obsession, or about feeling unworthy. (It’s to find YOU) God’s creation in you and me. Whoever comes and follow God’s word believing you are his, not falling for Satan’s schemes and lies.
A Christian approach to the virtue of Fitness to be Fearless by changing your mindset and techniques in the pursuit of what sets our soul on fire. Give yourself an active lifestyle for your Heart and Spirit. Focus on the pursuing the calling you have received.In God’s Kingdom women and men are Strong, Victorious, Mighty and Courageous Warriors by putting on the Full Spiritual Armor. Asking God to point out her or his battle station. Warriors are the women and men who get up, Dispute the enemy that is trying to destroy them by standing firm in God’s word. Their battles are won on their knees. Women and Men can now declare Victory before seeing it coming. They both know the Lord, and that he will fulfill his promises. Running the race with perseverance, knowing they are set apart fixing his and her eyes on Jesus. Rebuking, rejecting, submitting, surrendering every scheme and every lie. Destroying every assignment and attack of the enemy, every curse or negative word ever spoken over them or their families and friends. No weapon formed against will prevail. What then shall we say in response to these things? (Romans 8:31)The Lord will always have answers for all who accuse her or him. ( Roman 8-35-37) “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?
Walking Together
This is my calling, to help all brothers and sisters in Christ through my testimony. To see that God made us in his perfect and unique image. That there is nothing we can do in our will power, as we know it is Gods will, plan, purpose, and perfect timing. He knows our struggles, where they come from, where we suffer, why we hurt. He tells us that Satan is a killer, a liar, a deceiver and is stealing our True Identity in Christ.
Brothers and sisters, we do not have to live this life in the schemes of the evil one. We must learn to see and recognize; we belong to a King who is Enthrone. We are his children, and we must walk in our Full and complete True Identity. But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. (Chosen 1 PETER 2:9) Fellowship With Brothers and Sisters In Christ Unity In the Body of Christ
Our young generation are walking in the loss of their True Identity. Lets talk to them by guiding them with the book of life to see our God has made us in his likeness, that we must allow our Father to help guide, teach and direct their path to what looks uncertain in their lives.
How can a young person keep his way pure?
Lets help our young generation in us to be an example to see “GOD”, is and always will be the one who set us free from the lies that we are not worthy because of the way we look. Helping to be a voice and take a stand for all brothers and sisters in Christ, no matter the age.(Ecclesiastes 11:9)”Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth. Walk in the ways of your heart and sight of your eyes, But know that for all these things God will bring you into Judgement.
Above All Else
Children Should Fully Grow Up in Their True Identity. They should grow up to love God above all else. We thank God for the gift of our kids but let’s remind ourselves that we have a full job, that we must do. The bible tells us that children are a blessing, a gift from God.Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it. (Proverbs 22:6) Disciple your children, and they will give you peace, they will bring you the delights you desired. (Proverbs 29:17)
The lord has asked us to teach our kids and help them have discipline, to have full the understanding, that God loves them. Keeping in mind that if we help our children to Identify who they are at an early age, it will help later in life. Having presented them with the knowledge that God is the one who will guide them to always walk in their True Full Identity.
Children that have grown up with a mind set and complete reliance in God, can never lose sight on the principles that was taught to them at a young age. Young girls and boys should be taught where to step, which platform, and ground they should approach. Building their self-image on God’s word, by allowing them to experience his presents at a very young age. Knowing that God created you for only greatness, and to take life knowing he goes before you, that nothing you ask of the Lord, that he will not do. This is what we are to do as parents, building up their Full Identity, so when they are old, no fears will over take them.