A holy calling to speak in boldness in order to assist all men and women in identifying their true identities through Jesus Christ. A marvelous love exists between God and all of His creation, and no one is left unloved.
As recounted in the story of Moses, God speaks to Moses through a burning bush and gives him his mandate, he is to free the Israelite people from Egyptian captivity and bring them back to their homeland. In all fairness, Moses has a lot on his mind, and the most important one is how he is going to persuade his fellow Israelites that this is a mission from God and in His favor, {Exodus 3:13-15} During the time Moses asked God, Who shall I tell Pharaoh has sent me?’, God replied,’ I AM THAT I AM. Yahweh, is an incredibly sacred name that should not be spoken aloud. It is believed that Jews began to substitute “Adonai,” or “My Lord,” especially when speaking. It is also sometimes used as an alternative to the name Elohim, which is simply a Hebrew term that means “God”.
The character of God is unlike anything or anyone we are capable of understanding or imagining. The answer that God gives when we ask him, “Who are you?” He always replies to us, his people, “I AM WHO I AM.” This is an important statement, and we need to spend some time contemplating it in order to fully understand who he is. The mere act of describing him is word cannot adequately convey who he is. Our words cannot fully convey the majesty and glory of our holy God. However, God possesses characteristics and attributes that are accessible to us even if they are only in part, and he has provided us with his Word to help us gain a better understanding of who he is. As the One and Only God (the Creator) is self-existent, self-sufficient, eternal, immutable, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, sovereign, infinite, incomprehensible, holy, loving, just, good, merciful, gracious, faithful, patient, truthful, and wise.
In light of this one-word LOVE, it is pertinent to be mindful of the fact that God’s love for us doesn’t commence at the cross on Golgotha, but even before then. An ancient love that existed long before the constellations of the ancient world harmonized together, long before the first light enlightened the world with the first light, and long before the first leaf of plant life began to grow into a tender and luxuriant clip, a love that existed before anything in this whole universe existed.
Consider the unveiled scrolls of the ancient Universe that existed thousands of years and millennia before God created this present world, when there was no physical form or vacuum visible on the earth, and where the obscurity of space surrounded the brilliance of God’s throne and the vast void of space where we now stand today. It is inexpressible how magnificent and breathtaking God’s glory appears as cherubim and seraphim cover their faces with their wings in awe and reverence towards Him who is high and holy, as they cover their faces with their wings! It’s impossible to fathom God’s love, for he’s incomprehensible, holy of holies, and pure. His love is unfathomable, uncontainable, all-sovereign, and boundless.
The purest way to encapsulate his love in its purest form, it must be characterized by those qualities which define holiness, divinity, and simplicity in their purest form. A deep and abiding love exists between God and us. The uniqueness of this phenomenon sets it apart from all other forms of creation. God’s love for us is pure and without any trace of impurity. God’s love is both eternal and sovereign, and it transcends all time and space. In the heart of God, there is immutability and holiness in his love. God’s righteousness is loving and eternal, and His holiness is loving and all knowing at the same time.
There are many instances in the Bible where we observe God’s character to be one of love for humanity, which is God’s essence, authentic, and indestructible. All the books of the Bible are filled with God’s love, and God’s love is characterized by mercy, grace and unfailing forgiveness. Since God’s love is eternal and unconditional, God’s love fills all the books of the Bible! I believe that God’s love is so large and universal in nature that it does not discriminate against any culture, class, ethnicity, racial identity, race, or group of affluence, status, or any particular religion, denomination, or individual. His love is a radical concept. In other words, it applies to everyone who offends the wrong way, no matter what they do. I am firmly convinced that no one, regardless of their religious affiliation, regardless of their ethnicity, regardless of their personal identity, including no governmental organization can claim that God’s love belongs to them. There is unconditional love from God for everyone, regardless of who they are, their backgrounds, or their beliefs. Throughout the bible, you will find an account of citizens straggles and human desires as well as God’s most astounding accomplishments. From the New Testament to the Old Testament, it describes the most tragic events of the planet as well as the greatest victories of the universe. In the Bible, it is revealed that God is love, which is the key to understanding the Bible. In order to convey a message on what is right, it is important for us to do so in a spirit of love that is in harmony with fairness. Our belief system is based on a love-based righteousness, and this righteousness is rooted in our love for people.
The moment we teach mercy and grace as a biblical doctrine, it is love-based redemption and forgiveness. It is an act of freedom that was planned, provided, given, and finished by love, and it is necessitated because of love. In preaching the gospel of the resurrection of Christ, we are preaching the miracle of love and the power of God. Our preaching of the Second Coming of Christ is a visual representation that illustrates the fulfillment of love as it is a message of completeness. I invite you to call on the Lord your God, and that name above all names, your savior, and redeem Jesus Christ if you are willing to do so. Then you will discover His love is profound, ample, persistent, lasting, substantial, sufficient, and supreme above all else in order to reach and save everyone who will call upon His name. “The Lord your God, he is gracious and forgiving, rich in faithful love for all who turn to You.”

Walking By Faith is the very foundation of faith, just as Peter walked on water where Jesus stands on the water, (Matthew 14:22-33) A powerful demonstration of how Christians are to walk in faith above their circumstances was Jesus’ walk on water. Upon first glance, we can observe that many expressions and visuals of many characters from the holy Bible took place in the example of Peter letting go of the boat in order to walk out to Jesus on water as he let go of his inner fear while looking towards Jesus with faith. As a Christian, walking by faith is often the most difficult part of your journey because it involves letting go, trusting God, and taking that first step. It is nevertheless true that, despite the wind and the waves, every step we take in the midst of them requires faith…
Given the reenactment of the event, as well as a viewing of the enhanced display of the portrayal of the event, with Peter, faith is defined as the assurance reconfirmation, title deed, or a testimony of the things we hope for. Faith constitutes the proof of what we do not see and is the conviction of its reality faith perceives as real fact what is not clearly visible to the natural eye sign, (Hebrews 11:1) In the test of faith, after only a minute or two, he finally finds the faith to step off the boat and into the water. Therefore, he believes that if he follows his signs, he will be able to walk across the water to the place where Jesus was. As soon as he takes the first step in faith, much to his relief, he finds that beneath his feet there is a solid bridge made of stone that resembles the look of a part of the solid foundation, concealing a solid bridge underneath it. In pure amazement, he made his way all the way to Jesus and walking on the solid rock as safely as he could.
A lot of what faith in God is like can be summed up in this example, at first, we may not see the Lord, or we may not believe that we can stand on his promises recorded in the Bible, but when we take the first step of faith that we have always been looking for, we will discover that the Lord and his promises have been our rock solid bridge all along. God’s Word is the only one we can rely on, and that is the Bible, God’s word is the only one that is true. As stated in the verse that follows, “There is no breaking of the Scripture” (John 10:35). His words are firmly rooted in truth (John 17:17) It is the faith of the Christian that trust in the substantiated reality that already exists, despite the fact that it cannot be seen. Our trust in God always brings us to a realization that God is going to do infinitely more than building a stone bridge for us; God is going to be firmly under our feet no matter what we do. We can also be assured of the truthfulness and accuracy of God’s Word (the Bible), since it is rock solid truth.” (2 Corinthians 5:7) We live by faith, not by sight.
Occasionally in life, we find ourselves in a position where there is no other option but to walk by faith. Here is where we have to step beyond the theories of the Biblical text, and step into the sphere of the profoundly personal in order to fully comprehend the Scriptures. As far as we are concerned, religion is completely ineffective when it comes to helping us walk above the turbulent waters. The only way to be able to walk on water is to fully trust in Jesus and rely on Him as our only source of strength. In our relationship, faith is placed in the faithfulness of a name Jesus Christ, rather than faith is placed in a religion based on a character. Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6) It is inevitable that there will be times when we experience greater fear in our lives when God takes us through things we have never experienced before, into what is unimaginably shadowy and into unknown territory. It is undeniable that the most terrifying of these times is when we have to face death for the first time. Nonetheless, God has given a promise to all of his believers: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me…” (Psalm 23:4) As we walk through new experiences that we have never experienced before, we are forced to walk by faith because we haven’t walked through them before. As we look to the promises of Scripture, we can be encouraged (Psalm 119:25) The words of this verse instruct us to fix our eyes and hearts on Jesus in the days ahead (Hebrews 12:1-2), Our hearts must also have full faith in God to help us in our days of trouble (Psalm 28:7). Our lives are made easier by the knowledge that He is constantly with us regardless of what we face. As we are walking into the unknown, the Scriptures and our past experiences of God’s faithfulness assure us that everything is going to be all right. However, it is a test of our faith, much like being able to walk on water.
You and I are called to fight for the voiceless, the oppressed, and the vulnerable. We are called to fight for those who are defenseless, those who are helpless, those who are powerless, and those who are without assistance. In order to protect those who are unable to protect themselves, we fight on their behalf. Our mission is to fight for the truth and the fact that every human being has been created in the image of God. The value of life cannot be overstated, and every single one of them deserves to be protected. Regardless of where we come from, each of us has a role under God – and no one of us is less than anyone else within God’s plan. As you and I step onto the battlefield, we know that His love will lead the way because He desires for all to come to know Him. We will all be outlived by the power of God’s love.
Paul himself says that in order to finish well as God’s warriors, we must “fight the good fight” as he did. ( 2 Timothy 4:7) and encourages us to do likewise. In fighting for your husband, wife, children, grandparent, family member, friendships, neighbors, and anyone who has not known Jesus as their Lord, we do not simply draw a sword and throw it around mercilessly. It is our duty to engage in the battle to make a difference in their lives by becoming a part of it. Our time is of the essence. It is undeniable. There has been no doubt in my mind for a very long time that the timeline has begun to run down. Currently, there is a great deal of controversy going on at the moment because of the noise and false prophesies that are being made. The everlasting truths of God and his teachings through our bible, on the other hand, are rich in lessons about how one can win in battle.
The good fight is referred to as fighting the worthwhile to fight. We must prepare for the battles we will undoubtedly be faced with, put on the full armor of God, stand firm, and be clothed in the Lord’s integrity and honor on the battlefield of life. (1 Timothy 1:18-20) There is no comparison to the battles we face here in this world when it comes to the weapons we use on the spiritual battlefield. Our weapons are vastly different. (2 Corinthians 10:3-6)”For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete” To understand our mission as Christians, we must remain rooted in God’s Word. Do not leave his word unspoken, pray fervently in all types of prayer, remain in a sober state of mind, physically, mentally, and spiritually, remain attentive, reverent of the presence of God at all times.
The true warrior is one whose heart bursts with passion and determination, and the true soldier runs to the heart of God, and the true soldier is loyal to the commander, to the leader. The true soldier is awakened by the heavenly citizen, they know the orders and act accordingly, so that they are prepared for battle.
In order to succeed, a warrior must guard his/her heart and walk with integrity, he/she must be authentic, and he/she must lay his/her/their lives on the battlefield. He/she must stand in the face of any difficulty challenge and provide love to win the battle.
Identifying the truth from the lie, finding the true human strengths and weaknesses as they relate to building or tearing down.
The story begin with Adam and Eve, isn’t it? Cooperating with the lie, doing what is wrong, and bringing about rebellion, confusing fears, creating consequences, and causing bondage dwelling. Due to her belief in a lie, she acted in a manner that was contrary to the rules and authority of God.
People’s actions begin in their hearts and are carried forward by their minds. They take possession of the inner consciousness and direct their attention to the internal thoughts by spreading out the wrong motors in their hearts. When lies are told with intention, they bring fear, confusion, and rebelliousness against God’s will, (Romans 13:1) Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
(Warriors- Stand Firm in Battle)
The word ‘soldier’ Paul when referring to his well-informed and well-loved trustworthy coworkers, particularly when addressing them. In his letter, Epaphroditus and Archippus are called ‘fellow soldiers,’ and he admonishes Timothy to withstand hardships and persevere in the way of a good soldier of Jesus Christ.’ (2 Timothy 2:3-7)
The purpose of the portrayals is to compel men and women to action and enable them to live a life committed to God’s redemptive purposes. The battle will continue to be fought by men and women, in which they will be called to stand against a spirit of evil that is trying to take over the world, to accept their responsibilities and obligations as spiritual leaders, to not succumb to fear, but rather to stand up in boldness and meekness in order to defend their faith in the future, (2 Corinthians 10:3-6). On the battlefield of life, I will continue to urge men and women to prepare for the aforementioned encounters they will undoubtedly be faced with, to put on the full armor of God, to fight a good fight, to acquit themselves with integrity and honor. (Ephesians 6:1-17) (2 Timothy 6:12)
As part of an armor set worn by the man before us, the breastplate was one of the heaviest parts of the body and served as a form of protection for it. A breastplate is worn over the heart, and a number of other parts that perform vital functions in the maintenance of life. Consequently, if a soldier did not wear a breastplate during combat, he was at risk of being attacked by an enemy who could cause permanent death if he were not wearing his breastplate.
In the light of this, what is the meaning behind Paul’s reference to it as the breastplate of righteousness? In the absence of righteousness in our lives, we leave ourselves open to attack from the enemy and can end up committing sin if we do not guard ourselves from sin.
In order to live a righteous life, we must obey God’s commandments and conduct ourselves in a manner that is honorable to God. King David instructs that those who practice righteousness are blessed.” (Psalm 106:3) As we teach and live the truth, we must live in accordance with it in righteousness; otherwise, we are merely dishonest people, rebels against the will of God, and are only concerned with pursuing our own interests at the expense of others.
Paul also explains clearly how we are to fight our enemies, and unseen darkness forces in the heavenly realms that have no sight of us. A powerful, unseen enemy that represents such a dangerous threat to our lives is basically impossible to hold off with human armor. A person’s sense of pride, or their pride of self, is usually one of the first casualties when we do not armor ourselves up enough. It is all thanks to the Lord’s armor of light that we can stand before him. For success in a battle and fight against the enemy, we must remain firm and full of renewed light in order to bear witness to the enemy. Let him see that you are on the same page and that he does not have any chance to enter the field of battle and attack. (Hebrews 4:12)
You and I are called to fight for the voiceless, the oppressed, and the vulnerable. We are called to fight for those who are defenseless, those who are helpless, those who are powerless, and those who are without assistance. In order to protect those who are unable to protect themselves, we fight on their behalf. Our mission is to fight for the truth and the fact that every human being has been created in the image of God. The value of life cannot be overstated, and every single one of them deserves to be protected. Regardless of where we come from, each of us has a role under God – and no one of us is less than anyone else within God’s plan. As you and I step onto the battlefield, we know that His love will lead the way because He desires for all to come to know Him. We will all be outlived by the power of God’s love.
Paul himself says that in order to finish well as God’s warriors, we must “fight the good fight” as he did. ( 2 Timothy 4:7) and encourages us to do likewise. In fighting for your husband, wife, children, grandparent, family member, friendships, neighbors, and anyone who has not known Jesus as their Lord, we do not simply draw a sword and throw it around mercilessly. It is our duty to engage in the battle to make a difference in their lives by becoming a part of it. Our time is of the essence. It is undeniable. There has been no doubt in my mind for a very long time that the timeline has begun to run down. Currently, there is a great deal of controversy going on at the moment because of the noise and false prophesies that are being made. The everlasting truths of God and his teachings through our bible, on the other hand, are rich in lessons about how one can win in battle.
The good fight is referred to as fighting the worthwhile to fight. We must prepare for the battles we will undoubtedly be faced with, put on the full armor of God, stand firm, and be clothed in the Lord’s integrity and honor on the battlefield of life. (1 Timothy 1:18-20) There is no comparison to the battles we face here in this world when it comes to the weapons we use on the spiritual battlefield. Our weapons are vastly different. (2 Corinthians 10:3-6)”For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete” To understand our mission as Christians, we must remain rooted in God’s Word. Do not leave his word unspoken, pray fervently in all types of prayer, remain in a sober state of mind, physically, mentally, and spiritually, remain attentive, reverent of the presence of God at all times.
In Ephesians it gives us an understanding Who we truly are. Defining our True Identity (Ephesians 1:4-14)” For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding, he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ. In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory. And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession-to the praise of his glory. The Supremacy of the Son of God (Colossians 1:15-18) See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. (Hebrews 3:12) Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1) By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. (Hebrews 11:3) Praise to God for a Living Hope (1 Peter 1: 3-5) (1 Peter 1: 8-9) (1 Peter 1: 20-23).