For those wanting a Customized Exercise Plan - Or choosing one of the four programs for Exercise. Complete this Exercise Questionnaire/Assessment Form (Fill in and Circle all that apply)

MM slash DD slash YYYY
1.) Is there a primary fitness goal that you are striving for?
2.) What is the primary place where you will be exercising?
3.) Which types of equipment are available to you?
4.) Do you currently engage in any type of strength training?
5.) Which of the following types of cardio do you currently do?
6.) Are there any significant injuries you are suffering from?(Required)
7.) Do you have any risk factors for any of these conditions?(Required)
8.) Based on your fitness training experience, what would you classify yourself as?
9.) How would you rate your overall level of activity?
10.) Where have you been in terms of your physical fitness?
11.) Do you have any experience achieving your fitness goals using any of the following?
12.) Can you relate to the following statement? "I'm not exactly sure how to structure my workouts to most effectively reach my goals."
13.) Can you relate to the following statement? "My fitness plan has been challenging for me, and I tend to fall off the plan."
14.) How does the following statement relate to you? "It would be great to commit to a fitness plan, but I don't think I have the time."
15.) Are you able to work out frequently?
16.) How long do you have for each workout?
17.) When it comes to traveling, both for work and leisure, how frequently do you go?
18.) To what extent do you believe it is important for you to improve your flexibility and mobility?
19.) Are there any other goals you would like to achieve through your coaching program?
We can help you the most if we know what is holding you back, so please be as detailed as possible.
I would appreciate as much detail as possible.