GLF Warriors Empowering Movement Fitness & Health LLC

We are enthusiastic and beyond blessed that you have found our site! Thank the Lord for leading you to our site GLF Warriors Empowering Movement Fitness and Health. God has a purpose and destiny for you, there’s no coincidence you found us, it is actually a divine appointment and time for your life. The immensity on how much God loves is infinite, and He has a plan for your life! (Jeremiah 29:11-14) We pray that through every program that’s established is a blessing and a joy to you and yours.
If you don’t already follow us, take time to follow us on our different social media platforms, we’d love to hear from you! Send us your questions, comments, or support needs. We strive to return all contacts soon as possible and can typically get back to you within 1-2 business days.
Requested information on contact form:
Greetings To You! God Bless!
Elda Sullins