How to get started..

The most important question is: why do you want to start? I never recommend anyone to jump in the biggest program I offer, sure it is motivational on jumping on the biggest plan to get started in that direction, but I rather you start on the 4 weeks plan if you’re a person that has never been in a gym or have never done any nutrition plan or exercise training plan. I recommend getting into a routine or a regiment of a nutrition plan and training plan first.

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What to do after your journey is done with me..

Congrats on what you have experienced and achieved. Keep on going and don’t stop. The journey never ends, and it is always an experience in life in general. Keep on moving forward and learning your own body in all aspects, I personally don’t indulge in crazy meals that will harm my body. I’d rather use my experience on what I learned to keep moving on my journey and stay positive minded.

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The experience of working with me..

Some people will struggle without a coach after the full guidelines that was given to them, but some will experience on the intentions to know they will be alright on moving forward with what they have been taught. But my mission is to always leave my client with full confidence physically, mentally, and spiritually to be stronger and active to keep pursuing more of their physical capacity to keep reaching to the fullest.

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What to expect..

Typically, whichever program you choose whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced, expect to be at the gym or my one on one gym. Learning your own body, moving with the approach that fitness is not just a walk in and leave type of workout. You need to be ready to commit to getting done no matter what. Missing a workout or meal is only going to hurt your results. Some of the food you love to enjoy, like fast food will temporarily be adjusted until we reach our goals. Learning to modify these types of meals is your way to reach your goals faster.

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How to find and select a coach..

Having a coach to guide you through your journey is essential in the aspect of what you are looking to pursue. Do your research, make sure that you are working with someone that cares to help you on what you are looking to achieve. Trusting in your heart that this coach has a boundary set up on foundations that will help you reach those goals and care to take you as their friend.

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