The true warrior is one whose heart bursts with passion and determination, and the true soldier runs to the heart of God, and the true soldier is loyal to the commander, to the leader. The true soldier is awakened by the heavenly citizen, they know the orders and act accordingly, so that they are prepared for battle.
In order to succeed, a warrior must guard his/her heart and walk with integrity, he/she must be authentic, and he/she must lay his/her/their lives on the battlefield. He/she must stand in the face of any difficulty challenge and provide love to win the battle.


Identifying the truth from the lie, finding the true human strengths and weaknesses as they relate to building or tearing down.

 The story begin with Adam and Eve, isn’t it? Cooperating with the lie, doing what is wrong, and bringing about rebellion, confusing fears, creating consequences, and causing bondage dwelling. Due to her belief in a lie, she acted in a manner that was contrary to the rules and authority of God.

People’s actions begin in their hearts and are carried forward by their minds. They take possession of the inner consciousness and direct their attention to the internal thoughts by spreading out the wrong motors in their hearts. When lies are told with intention, they bring fear, confusion, and rebelliousness against God’s will.

{Romans 13:1} God has established authority in the world in order to protect us, and his judgment and authority are used to ensure peace and order in the world.


 The word ‘soldier’ Paul when referring to his well-informed and well-loved trustworthy coworkers, particularly when addressing them. In his letter, Epaphroditus and Archippus are called ‘fellow soldiers,’ and he admonishes Timothy to withstand hardships and persevere in the way of a good soldier of Jesus Christ.’ { 2 timothy 2:3-7}

The purpose of the portrayals is to compel men and women to action and enable them to live a life committed to God’s redemptive purposes. The battle will continue to be fought by men and women, in which they will be called to stand against a spirit of evil that is trying to take over the world, to accept their responsibilities and obligations as spiritual leaders, to not succumb to fear, but rather to stand up in boldness and meekness in order to defend their faith in the future, {2 Corinthians 10:3-6}. On the battlefield of life, I will continue to urge men and women to prepare for the aforementioned encounters they will undoubtedly be faced with, to put on the full armor of God, to fight a good fight, to acquit themselves with integrity and honor. {Ephesians 6:1-17} { 2 Timothy 6:12}

As part of an armor set worn by the man before us, the breastplate was one of the heaviest parts of the body and served as a form of protection for it. A breastplate is worn over the heart, and a number of other parts that perform vital functions in the maintenance of life. Consequently, if a soldier did not wear a breastplate during combat, he was at risk of being attacked by an enemy who could cause permanent death if he were not wearing his breastplate.

 In the light of this, what is the meaning behind Paul’s reference to it as the breastplate of righteousness? In the absence of righteousness in our lives, we leave ourselves open to attack from the enemy and can end up committing sin if we do not guard ourselves from sin.

In order to live a righteous life, we must obey God’s commandments and conduct ourselves in a manner that is honorable to God. King David instructs that those who practice righteousness are blessed. ” {In Psalm 106:3} As we teach and live the truth, we must live in accordance with it in righteousness; otherwise, we are merely dishonest people, rebels against the will of God, and are only concerned with pursuing our own interests at the expense of others.