Our bodies are sacred temples for God’s spirit. Healthy foods should be consumed in order to maintain a healthy body. In order to honor God with our bodies, we have to understand that our bodies are not our own, but rather belong to God, and it is up to us to acknowledge this and adopt a healthy eating plan to maintain as healthy a body as we are capable of achieving. { 1 Corinthians 6:19-20}
We should honor our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit. Nutrition and exercise are among the most effective ways for us to maintain our health, not only with a healthy body but also spiritually, mentally, and physically. Glorifying God through our bodies is an incredible gift. Let us breathe deeply and revere God throughout all of our actions; let nutrition and exercise be an expression of gratitude to God.
It is my honor to testify from my heart, that I sincerely believe that we have no power to do anything without the assistance of God. Our body is not to be harmed nor used in accordance with our will – it is in god’s will, and we must believe and understand this fully.