Elda Sullins

I’m very glad you are interested and have come this far. Let me introduce myself.

My interest in health, nutrition, and physical fitness has always been a passion of mine. However, what is even more important to me is this.

During the course of this experience, I have grown spiritually, growing closer and closer to God our Creator, and I now realize that if it wasn’t for him, I never would have been given this amazing opportunity. In the course of my journey, I have learned to Rely on God, to Trust in God, and to give the glory to Him alone.

I am a devout Christian, blessed with wonderful husband and family, each of my children are my joy. We live in Houston Texas.

I hope you will continue reading to learn more about me, to experience the success and the struggles during my journey in Fitness, GLF Warriors, we are committed to empower a movement that will bring all people closer to God, and to discover their true self-worth. We are all anchors in Christ Jesus.